Ministerial Studies Program
First year
BIB 101 Old Testament Survey
BIB 102 New Testament Survey
BIB 103 Synoptic Gospels
MIN 101 Ministerial Practice I: Evangelism
MIN 102 History, Missions and Governance of the AG
MIN 103 Introduction to Missions
MIN 113 A Spirit-Empowered Church
THE 101 Systematic Theology I
THE 102 Systematic Theology II
Second year
BIB 204 Acts
BIB 205 Prison Epistles
BIB 206 Hermeneutics
MIN 204 Introduction to Homiletics
MIN 205 Ministerial Ethics
THE 203 Systematic Theology III
THE 204 Systematic Theology IV
Third year
BIB 307 Romans
BIB 311 Mayor Prophets
BIB 312 Minor Prophets
BIB 313 Daniel and Revelation
MIN 306 Conflict Resolution
MIN 307 Leadership
MIN 308 Ministerial Practice II: Christian Education
Fourth year
BIB 408 Corinthian Epistles
BIB 410 Pentateuch
BIB 411 Poetic Books
MIN 409 Pastoral Ministry
MIN 410 Church Administration
MIN 411 Expository Preaching
MIN 412 Ministerial Practice III: Pastoral Ministry
THE 405 Prayer and Worship